Bauchi's Masa is Bae!

Bauchi’s Masa is Bae! But our love story didn’t start on a high note.

So the first day I arrived Bauchi, a friend of mine enthusiastically encouraged me to try out Masa, with the guarantee that I wont regret it.
Side Note: The friend in question is very persistent and I don’t have a very adventurous taste bud.
So I did the next best thing. I went out and bought Masa, took a picture of it, sent it to her, tossed the damn thing into the trash can and walked away like a boss.
Fast forward a few weeks, myself and some friends visited the palace of one of the traditional rulers in Bauchi.
Guess what they offered us? Yup, you guessed it- Masa!!! And you dare not reject it. Side note: Most northerners consider it impolite, even rude, to reject food.
So imagine me praying to God for grace to take the first bite. 
See eh, after that first bite, I didn’t need grace for the second, third, even the one hundredth bite.
So for the love of Masa, come and visit Bauchi!


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